77. Exploring Alternative Fitness Modalities

It's completely normal to think about “working out at the gym or even running” when you want to start a new fitness lifestyle. However, there are other alternatives that can help you maintain a good lifestyle, and I’m going to share three activities that have helped me a lot in keeping a good condition

First, you should identify a “mobility activity” for your joints. The most popular one is “Yoga,” but you can also try other things like “a power warm-up,” “stretching,” or even “functional mobility.” There are plenty of benefits for your body when you start incorporating them into your routine.

For example, I used to feel very tired in my psoas (the main muscle involved in hip flexion), so I began incorporating 30 minutes of mobility exercises each day. Over time, I noticed significant improvements in my pain levels and my ability to progress slowly in my basic weightlifting exercises.

Second, try implementing an aerobic activity, no matter which one you prefer. The key is to train your cardiovascular system, so it’s essential to include some form of aerobic exercise. Many people prefer running on a treadmill; however, this can be boring for others. A great alternative is to try something different, like jumping rope or engaging in other activities that get your heart pumping. The exercise you choose should complement your lifestyle and be something you enjoy.

The next tip is to try a new sport or maybe revisit an old sport you used to play when you were an athlete. My friends love playing volleyball, and honestly, we used to enjoy playing a quick game during our university breaks. It could be a better option to engage in this kind of activity than something else that might feel boring.

Third, incorporate strength workouts into your weekly routine. This is arguably the most important activity for your lifestyle because many of us don’t train as intensely as we should. We often stop short of failure and neglect the importance of proper technique. Additionally, many don’t follow a structured program that pushes our bodies to the limits.

You can see significant improvements by engaging in “functional training,” “CrossFit,” “calisthenics,” “powerlifting,” “weightlifting,” or “power building.” There are countless areas in which you can develop and grow stronger.

As you can see, fitness doesn’t have to be boring or repetitive. If you prefer following a specific program, go for it and reflect on what you’re achieving. The goal is to experiment with different activities and find the one that you love the most. 


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