79. How to Balance Fitness and Work Life: Time Management Tips for Busy Professionals

 In the last decade, we’ve found ourselves working more than ever before, and productivity has become one of the most critical aspects of our daily lives. Unfortunately, many professionals struggle to carve out time for a quick workout or any physical activity. So, I’m going to share with you three strategies that you can implement to better manage your time and fit fitness into your busy schedule.

1. Create an “Ideal Schedule” That Encompasses All Aspects of Your Life

The first strategy is to develop an “Ideal Schedule” that includes all the spheres of your life. This is different from what you may have tried before because it’s about balancing all your priorities. This means making time for family and friends, working enough to meet your financial needs, taking time for yourself, and, of course, setting aside time to train.

However, don’t jump straight into working out six days a week for two hours at a time. The goal is to start with power workouts—short, effective sessions that you can easily fit into your day. For example, you could start with a 10-minute circuit right after you wake up. It might sound funny or even unproductive, but once you start building the habit, it becomes easier to progress rather than starting from zero every time.

During these short sessions, try to include compound exercises like burpees, squats, deadlifts, push-ups, and other cardiovascular movements. If you’re new to this lifestyle, you’ll start seeing results sooner than you might expect. But even if you’re already in the habit of working out, the next strategy is for you.

2. Maintain Your Workout Base, But Adapt It to Your Schedule

If you’re someone who used to work out six days a week but now find your time significantly reduced, consider cutting your workout days in half. Instead of training six days a week, aim for three days with shorter but more intense sessions.

When I say “more intense,” I mean keeping the weight, heart rate, or effort level high during each set. I’m a big fan of at least one set per muscle group in your routine. Others might prefer supersets or circuits. The key is identifying which methodology works best for you.

If you’re unsure which method to use, I recommend starting with basic linear sets but pushing close to failure and maintaining the best technique possible.

3. Cultivate a Champion’s Mindset

The last strategy focuses on your mindset—a technique I’ve used with my clients (You can get a special code by messaging me on my page: Mike Coach). This technique is all about developing a winning attitude. For example, if you can only train two days a week, celebrate it as if you’ve achieved a significant milestone. It’s crucial to reinforce your motivation and embrace the philosophy of “It’s better to do something than nothing.”

Remember, perfection is not your ally. Instead, be grateful for the small victories, and understand that this journey is yours alone.Please feel free to share your thoughts on this topic and how it might help you in your fitness journey. I’d love to hear from you!


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